WorldNET 2013 Entries Now Open

Entries for WorldNET 2013 are now being accepted from eligible IFA teams, criteria for which (if you’re really unsure!) can be found here.

Please complete the form below in full. All entries will be manually verified and team contacts should expect to receive an email with payment details within 3 days.

We ask for an approximate number for required accommodation as we have to submit our final request for room numbers to the university by the end of January 2013, so please be as accurate as you can with your estimates. Accommodation will be on the main UCLan campus, approximately two miles from the Sports Arena – local buses run regularly between the two sites and if demand exists we may operate a shuttle bus – and will cost £50 per person on a room-only basis. This price includes a £4 per person damages bond which will be returned after the tournament assuming everyone behaves themselves! The rooms are single rooms and form part of 6-bedroom flats, each with their own kitchen and bathroom facilities – a significant upgrade from Bodington!

Payment for accommodation will be taken in two stages, £15 per person by the end of February 2013 and the remaining £35 by the end of May 2013.

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