The IFA continues to monitor both the latest government advice and updates from the professional football world, as we move slowly towards a start date for the 2020/21 IFA season.
With differing advice currently in place on either side of the border, the 2020/21 IFA league season will not commence until such time as teams in Scotland are able to play competitive matches. The remaining 2019/20 IFA Cup Semi-Finals will not be played until advice changes.
For the avoidance of doubt, the latest advice can be found on the links below.
We will issue further updates in due course.
In accordance with the latest advice south of the border our teams in England may play matches from the start of August. Such matches cannot count towards the IFA league until a league start date is confirmed.
All players taking part in matches MUST follow the guidelines highlighted on the link above.
We strongly encourage those teams with regional cup semi-finals that still need to be played from the 2019/20 season to do so as soon as reasonably possible. Again, these matches cannot count towards the IFA league until a league start date is confirmed.
New season – Rules and Registration
In preparation for the new season, registration is now open at the link below.
The IFA rules have also been updated and team managers attention is drawn to the following major changes;
Rule 2 – Communication
Formerly rule 10, we have made this rule and our expectations of team managers/organisers much clearer.
Rule 4 – Reporting of matches
With the long-standing yahoo group being slowly withdrawn, we’ve created online forms which will be hosted on the IFA website, for reporting fixtures and results. Links are below and we encourage all managers/organisers to send some test entries ahead of the season starting.
Rule 7 – Referees and Officials
Rule 8 – Discipline
Following a number of disciplinary issues during the 2019/20 season, both rules have been re-written, placing the emphasis on team managers/organisers to be responsible for player discipline.
Rule 11 – Game Cancellations
Again, the committee has reviewed and amended this rule based on issues during the 2019/20 season. The results form will also be utilised for game cancellations
Team managers/organisers are asked to ensure that they have read the full rules before completing the registration form and that ALL players are made aware of the IFA rules and the IFA spirit.
The IFA committee
25 July 2020